Cool California Style on the Streets of Paris
Rachel McAdams's character in Midnight in Paris is not exactly what you would consider likeable. She fills that obnoxious American role who is immune to the charm of Paris and couldn't possibly see what is so romantic about strolling rain soaked Parisian streets. What is charming about her character is her wardrobe. It feels very American (in a good way, unlike her attitude), it's laid back California mixed with classic accessories. She wears a lot of belted shirt dresses, classic leather handbags (often Chanel), and awesome wedges. I wish I could have found more photos of her shoes unfortunately they were cut out of a lot of shots. I especially love the long white t-shirt belted with jeans and topped with a Chanel tweed jacket. This could easily become my uniform, that is if I could actually afford that jacket.
It looks like I'm not the only one enamored with her character's style. While searching for movie stills I came across a few blogger who have created fashion collections based on the movie. Each graphic below is linked to the original blog posts so you can visit them to get the product details.
P.S. I almost forgot to mention that I really enjoyed this movie. It's very tongue in cheek and it does require some suspension of reality to appreciate but as long as you go into the theater with that knowledge I think you'll really like it. Just try not to get as distracted by Rachel McAdams shoes as I did :)
You can purchase Carolyn's greeting cards on her ecommerce site, launched in May '11, or at retailers in California, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia and the United Kingdom.